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See Rollup's troubleshooting guide for more information too.

If the suggestions here don't work, please try posting questions on GitHub Discussions or in the #help channel of Vite Land Discord.


Error: Cannot find module 'C:\foo\bar&baz\vite\bin\vite.js'

The path to your project folder may include ?, which doesn't work with npm on Windows (npm/cmd-shim#45).

You will need to either:

  • Switch to another package manager (e.g. pnpm, yarn)
  • Remove ? from the path to your project

Dev Server

Requests are stalled forever

If you are using Linux, file descriptor limits and inotify limits may be causing the issue. As Vite does not bundle most of the files, browsers may request many files which require many file descriptors, going over the limit.

To solve this:

  • Increase file descriptor limit by ulimit

    # Check current limit
    $ ulimit -Sn
    # Change limit (temporary)
    $ ulimit -Sn 10000 # You might need to change the hard limit too
    # Restart your browser
  • Increase the following inotify related limits by sysctl

    # Check current limits
    $ sysctl fs.inotify
    # Change limits (temporary)
    $ sudo sysctl fs.inotify.max_queued_events=16384
    $ sudo sysctl fs.inotify.max_user_instances=8192
    $ sudo sysctl fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288


Vite detects a file change but the HMR is not working

You may be importing a file with a different case. For example, src/foo.js exists and src/bar.js contains:

import './Foo.js' // should be './foo.js'

Related issue: #964

Vite does not detect a file change

If you are running Vite with WSL2, Vite cannot watch file changes in some conditions. See option.

A full reload happens instead of HMR

If HMR is not handled by Vite or a plugin, a full reload will happen.

Also if there is a dependency loop, a full reload will happen. To solve this, try removing the loop.

Released under the MIT License. (22f5658c)